It is not a given that students like nice teachers. Students like my teaching, for example, but "nice" is not the first word they use to describe me. What do students like in a teacher? Well, consider these quotes from students describing what they don't like:
Man, I don't like that class; he doesn't teach us anything! Man, we never do anything in that class. She can't control her class. All he ever does is yell. She has her favorites in that class. My approach to classroom management is similar to taking them on a journey. However, this is a journey of reluctant learners. You are expected to teach a class of 35 students who are forced by law to be in school. Leading these 35 horses to water is not an easy task, even for experienced teachers. Here are some strategies that I use almost every day to keep talking to a minimum.
Always say good morning or hello to your class.I do this 6 times every day for 187 days. It sets a positive tone in the classroom. However, it has an ulterior purpose: It means now is the time to stop talking and pay attention to what I am saying. It is important that your students return the gesture and stop talking. If they don't, say it louder and more assertively again and again until you have a quiet room ready to hear what you have to say. Saying good morning really loud and obnoxiously will also help wake your first period from their slumber. Remember! Being a cheerleader for your class is part of the job.
Dealing with Side ConversationsIt is human nature to try to have a side conversation with a fellow student during a lesson. Even we teachers do it when we aren't supposed to. However, 33 of your students are watching you to see how you address the 2 people conversing about a fight they saw earlier. If you, the teacher, feel that the time is inappropriate, then you must address it. Don't let it carry on because it will get worse, and the entire class will not like your class because you let them do what they want. Students do prefer teachers who maintain discipline, just like you do in your staff meetings. My approach to side conversations has 3 components: 1. Almost zero tolerance; 2. the behavior must be addressed so it doesn't spread like a disease; 3. it must be addressed quickly in order to maintain the flow of the lesson; 4. (optional) it must be done in a non-personal way.
Here are some things I do to deal with talking: I
try to never address the behavior or the student directly. I speak with a commanding voice (much like a football coach), and if necessary I will repeat a short phrase over and over and over again until I have everyone's attention. Sometimes, I'll make a loud EEEh sound that overpowers side conversations. It's really annoying, somewhat funny to the class and very effective at ending their conversation quickly. Calling on the student is helpful in ending his or her conversation if used only on occasion. The reason I try not to address the talking directly is because I prefer to use hand signals and dirty looks over stopping the flow of the class. About twice per day I do have to firmly yell to get the entire class to stop talking and pay attention, but once I have that I try to use more subtle approaches. Other options include telling them to stop talking in a firm voice or changing their seating arrangement.
Seating ArrangementStudents will talk. Some will naturally talk more than others. Have a seating arrangement that will make it easy on you to monitor it. Seating talkative students near you will keep you from having to run across the room several times. Keeping talkative students away from the door is a good idea since they will shout as students walk by. Be careful about seating talkative students with each other, but sometimes it's better to have 2 talkative students close to you than to have them shouting across the room. My preferred classroom arrangement is having my "desk" in the center of the room so I can be within arm's length of half the class. However, it's tough being a floater!
Positive TalkingDo you really want a quiet classroom? I don't. Let the jokester make an occasional joke to the class, not to his/her buddies. Sometimes they will make a personal dig at you. Sometimes it's best to let it go because if you can't take a "dig" they will see you as weak and get a kick out of messing with you. Try to take their jokes in stride if their intention is to test your sense of humor. But never tolerate a heckler who is trying to disrupt class for their own gain in social status. Deal with him/her and get back to teaching.
Remember, this job isn't easy. Do the best you can without relying too much on security and administration. (Students notice that!) Observe how different teachers begin the class and have them observe you as well. Good luck.